Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Right to Bear Arms

The Right to Bear Arms


The Second Amendment is one of our most cherished. The right to keep and bear arms is what keeps government subservient to its citizenry. Without the right to bear arms, we would have anarchy in the streets, the criminals would still have guns, and violent crime would escalate.
Just ask the citizens of Australia what has happened to their country since their guns have been turned in. Read what Australian police officer Ed Chenel has to say on the subject.

Hi Yanks,
I thought you all would like to see the real figures from Down Under. It has now been 12 months since gun owners in Australia were forced by a new law to surrender 640,381 personal firearms to be destroyed by our own government, a program costing Australia taxpayers more than $500 million dollars.

The first year results are now in: Australia-wide, homicides are up 3.2 percent, Australia-wide, assaults are up 8.6 percent; Australia-wide, armed robberies are up 44 percent (yes, 44 percent)!  In the state of Victoria alone, homicides with firearms are now up 300 percent.(Note that while the law-abiding citizens turned them in, the criminals did not! and criminals still possess their guns!)

While figures over the previous 25 years showed a steady decrease in armed robbery with firearms, this has changed drastically upward in the past 12 months, since the criminals now are guaranteed that their prey is unarmed.  There has also been a dramatic increase in break-ins and assaults of the elderly.

Australian politicians are at a loss to explain how public safety has decreased, after such monumental effort and expense was expended in "successfully ridding Australian society of guns."

You won't see this on the American evening news or hear your governor or members of the State Assembly disseminating this information. The Australian experience proves it. Guns in the hands of honest citizens saves lives and property and, yes, gun-control laws affect only the law-abiding citizens.

Take note Americans, before it's too late!

You might also ask the Jewish survivors under Adolph Hitler how things might have been different had they kept their weapons.

Did you ever wonder why the 2nd Amendment was so important to our Founding Fathers?

There has been so many modern day interpretations as to what they really meant. Basically these are all arguments to do away with our  right to bear arms.

First of all, lets see what Jesus Christ, the original Founding Father of us all, had to say about the right to bear arms! Gun powder had not yet been invented.  The weapon of the day was the sword. One of the last instructions he gave his disciples in the Garden was Luke 22: 36. The key admonishment "LET HIM WHO HAS NO SWORD, SELL HIS CLOAK AND BUY ONE.

I would say that is a pretty strong argument for the right to bear arms.  Now let's look at a little history as well

Patrick Henry's gave his famous "Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death Speech" March 23, 1775 at St. John's Episcopal church in Richmond, Virginia. The colonists had experienced a ten year reign of terror under King George III. Henry made a motion for the immediate armament of a  militia.  His motion was seconded by Thomas Jefferson and George Washington.

During the summation on behalf of his motion Henry said :  "If we would be free, if we mean to hold inviolate those inestimable privileges for which we have so long contended, if we mean not basely to abandon the noble cause for which we have so long endured, and to which we have pledged ourselves never to abandon, until the glorious object of our contest should be obtained, then we must fight! I repeat Sir, we must fight!  A call to arms and an appeal to the God of hosts is all that we have left."

Less than 30 days later on April 19th, the first official shot of the American Revolution occurred at the Battle of Lexington and Concord. THE WAR STARTED OVER THE ISSUE OF GUN CONTROL. A church Pastor was leading his troops in close order drill, a British Regiment came by and ordered them to lay down their arms.  They refused, shots were fired and the war was on.

James Wilson, an original Justice on the Supreme Court, exhorted: "The first and governing maxim in the interpretation of a statute is to discover the meaning of those who made it.

"Amen, Amen, Amen!
Sadly this sage advice has been discarded. Now an all powerful Supreme Court MAKES laws rather than interpret them.
  So here are just a very  few quotes which will explain the "meaning of those who made it":

Alexander Hamilton:
  "The Supreme Being gave existence to man, together with the means of preserving and beautifying that existence. He invested him with an inviolate right to personal liberty and personal safely

Sam Adams, Father of the American Revolution:
 "The Constitution should never be construed to prevent the people of the United States...from keeping their own arms."

Patrick Henry:
"The great object is that every man be armed... Everyone  who is able may have a gun"

Thomas Jefferson:
"And what country can preserve it's liberties if its rulers are not warned from time to time that this people preserve the spirit of resistance?  Let them take arms."

George Mason, Co Author of the Bill of Rights:
"Divine Providence has given to every individual the means of self defense."

George Washington:
"A free people ought to be armed."

James Madison:
"The advantage of being armed the Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation..the governments are afraid to trust the people with arms."

Thomas Paine:
"Arms, like laws, discourage and keep the invader and the plunderer in awe, and preserve order in the world as well as property."

 Edmund Randolph:
"A people who mean to be free must be prepared to meet danger in person , and not rely upon the falacious protection of armies.

  I could go on and on with other quotes, but I would say its pretty clear what the intent of the Fathers was. Oh but you say it couldn't happen here, Americans wouldn't stand for it, But my friend it HAS HAPPENED HERE!!!!!!!!!

Following the devestation in New Orleans, caused when Hurricane Katrina flooded the legendary city, crime ran rampant. Looting was going on everywhere, both in abandoned   places of business and homes left vacant by residents who had fled the city .

The situation became so bad that New Orleans Police Commisioner Edwin Compass issued an order for police officers to begin to search vacant homes and confiscate all weapons found in them before they fell into the hands of   criminals.

The residents who had not fled the city because they   lived in areas that had not been ravaged as much by Katrina voiced little objection to this order although it was an illegal one. But much to the surprise and objection of these same citizens a few days later Police Commissioner Compass expanded   his order, now the order decreed that ALL  homes be searched and ALL guns confiscated. Using the combined forces of the New Orleans police, the National Guard, and U. S. Marshalls the all out gun confiscation began. The Associated Press quoted Compass, the police commissioner, as saying, "Only law enforcement are allowed to have weapons."

Of Course we all know how corrupt are New Orleans Police is.

No one will be able to be armed," said Deputy Chief Warren Riley. "We are going to take all the weapons." It was like a scene out of the former Soviet Union or Communist China.

ABC News video on September 8 showed National Guard troops going house-to-house, smashing down doors, searching for residents, and confiscating guns. Every victim of disarmament was clearly not a thug or looter, but a decent resident wanting to defend his or her home.

Many of the troops were clearly conflicted by their orders. "It is surreal," said one member of the Oklahoma National Guard who was going door-to-door in New Orleans. "You never expect to do this in your own country."

Police Commissioner Compass has since resigned his office and many of the New Orleans policemen have been relieved of their jobs.

A precedent has now been set, for a period of time the law abiding citizens of New Orleans were denied   their constitutional right to keep and bear arms, and unless there is an outcry from the American people such as never before, this freedom, like many others we have lost, will be taken away fr
om us, it's only a matter of time.

It has been the avowed goal of the satanic NEW WORLD ORDER elite for many years to disarm America, therefore making us easy prey for a takeover and turning us into a Godless country. This evil group, consisting of some of the richest and most powerful men in the world, is getting a lot of help in accomplishing their avow
avowed goal by many in our own government, as well as groups such as the ACLU, the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) and yes,the UNITED NATIONS!!!!

I think we all agree that there is almost certain to be furthur terrorist attacks on America in the future, the only question is when will they happen and in what form will they come?

Murrah Building in Oklahoma City

There could be more attacks like 9-11 or the bombing of the Murrah Building in Oklahoma City by homegrown terrorists. It could come in the form of a biological or chemical attack , a so called "dirty bomb" attack ,terrorists could poison our water supply, cause immense damage and casualties with truck bombs , and suicide bombers with deadly explosives strapped to their bodies, or perhaps armed with "suitcase" nuclear weapons, could kill countless thousands of Americans and cause immense property damage. . Under circumstances such as these there will surely be those who will use these man made catastrophes as an excuse for looting, pillaging, and raping at will, and shooting anyone who gets in their way.

President Bush, or whoever happens to be President at the time,, in the name of "National Security" , could issue an order to confiscate all weapons . Or local officials could issue such an order, legal or not, as Police Commissioner Edwin Compass did in New Orleans. Armed national guard units could be called in to begin confiscating weapons and forcing people AT GUN POINT to stay in their homes, restrict their activities, and leave them with no means to protect themselves, their families, and their homes. We should all pray that these things never happen in America , but being realistic I believe the odds are they will
. And again I say to those of you who say this kind of thing  could never happen in America, New Orleans shows that it
not only CAN happen but it  DID happen!!!!

And while the gun confiscation was happening in New Orleans where was the outcry from Washington, from your

Congressman on this violation of the 2nd Amendment???  Scattered and isolated at best.

And to those who would say this was but a "temporary violation" for the greater good, Ben Franklin admonishes;

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