Monday, April 4, 2011

The Right Argument in Support of the Second Amendment – The Right to Keep & Bear Arms

So much time is spent in gun circles pondering how to bring more people into supporting the passion that is the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. All manners of arguments are created, some using empirical data and statistics to show that crime is not caused by guns or that guns actually reduce crime; others citing historical significance showing that our history and the basis for the power and security of our citizenry is an armed populace.
Personally, my experience is that if you attack the issue from the basis of ALL rights; that all free people have them at birth and they cannot truly be taken away (not even by law) and that they are all important in order for a free people to flourish despite promises of safety or prosperity in the absence of said rights, it’s much easier to bring people around to the support of the Second Amendment.

However, in order to do this, the deliverer of said message has to believe it as well. So many pro-gun people aren’t really pro-rights; they’re merely on the wagon of the Second Amendment because they have a personal connection with firearms (i.e. hunting, self-defense, hobbies, and competition). The problem here arises when an issue of firearms rights crops up where such people have no personal connection. For instance, the issue of private citizens carrying guns for protection. Some people, gun owners included, don’t want to allow others to carry around a gun whenever it pleases them. This belief ignores the premise of an unalienable right; it cannot be given to someone by someone else, they already have it at birth, and thus, it cannot be taken away no matter how good the reason seems to be.

Consider the particularly contested issue of individuals released from prison having their Second Amendment rights honored. Many gun owners believe that any person with a criminal past should lose their Second Amendment rights forever (if you can’t do the time, don’t do the crime). This makes sense because such people are often only supporters insofar as it appears reasonable considering their connection to firearms (i.e. you might find a lot of hunters who feel that ex-convicts should be allowed limited access to hunt but should never be able to own a handgun for self-defense, even though the Second Amendment is, in fact, not about hunting or a right to do so). The real conflict here is that again, it ignores what a right truly is and what can be done to it, when, why and by whom.
When one is incarcerated, while their rights still technically exist, they may not exercise them because they are not presently free. An abuse of freedom is not exercising it, and when one abuses their freedom in this country, they relinquish many of their rights, but only to the degree necessary in order to facilitate punishment. People in jail have very limited rights against search and seizure without a warrant, to peaceably assemble, or to be secure in their persons and papers…they also have no right to keep and bear arms while incarcerated. Being unable to exercise one’s rights is not part of the penalty; it is simply a necessity in order to conduct the punishment for the crimes one is convicted of (which is obvious as far as the Second Amendment goes as an armed prison population cannot be incarcerated against their will).
While in jail, the right to practice one’s chosen faith is maintained, so is the right against being subjected to cruel and unusual punishment; this is simply because rights are not taken away as part of the punishment, they are only put into a sort of civil limbo, but again, only when is necessary in the course of the incarceration. If we take an honest look at which rights are conveyed to inmates and which are suspended, it is readily evident that prohibiting the exercise of certain rights is not, and was never meant to be part and parcel to the punishment and/or course of rehabilitation prescribed through the legal system for a given crime.
To suggest that once out of prison, after the reasonable debt required has been satisfied, one should permanently lose the freedom to exercise their rights goes far beyond the scope of power that the government or any authority should have in this country. Even if the majority of free citizens supported such an idea, I would argue that it certainly falls under cruel punishment (of “cruel and unusual punishment” fame). Being punished for one’s entire life for a crime that may have been so minor as to require a two year jail sentence is most certainly cruel, and particularly unusual in that if the crime justifies a lifetime punishment, it would certainly justify a lifetime commitment to incarceration. Now I’m certainly not saying that no person convicted of any crime should be prohibited the use or possession of firearms, I’m actually supportive of the idea if, and only if, it’s actually a part of due process. Mandatory Second Amendment disabilities for any felony in my opinion is where the problem lies. All felonies are not equal, and while I would be comfortable with a judge or jury stipulating that a convicted murderer not have access to firearms if they ever get out of jail, I’m not so sure allowing the government to utilize a blanket prohibition for all felonies when it automatically includes people convicted of say, grand theft or fraud is the right course of action. While I do agree that the latter charges are serious in nature, they in no way speak to how dangerous a person is, nor do they indicate a scenario where I personally feel that someone has forfeit their natural right to defend themselves. Sure those people that commit such crimes aren’t very responsible or trustworthy, but rights aren’t granted with a predication on trust, they’re granted at birth because each person has a right to protect their life and liberty. Should someone that stole an automobile at the age of 22 die on the street or in their home at the hands of a murderer at the age of 27 after they serve their time and get released from prison? Would you not feel more comfortable standing on a firing line with that person as another soldier against tyranny or invasion rather than being one rifle short?
If a person were convicted of a crime and sent to jail, no reasonable person would suggest that such an individual should automatically be prohibited from exercising their religion or going to church as often as they saw fit once they were released. No reasonable person would suggest that someone who was once incarcerated should be subjected to torture after their release, nor would any reasonable person suggest that said person should automatically be subjected to random body cavity searches or searches into their homes, persons, banking records or personal property without a warrant and/or probable cause. Furthermore, no reasonable person would support an ex-convict being summarily jailed without due process, without the opportunity to a defense against the charges or in the absence of the state being able to articulate the offense and the burden of proof required to show that a crime had actually been committed by said person.
So why then, do we have gun owners, individuals who live and breathe the very essence of a right when it comes to their guns, so ready and willing to strip someone else of their rights in a manner not explicitly authorized by the Constitution or the Bill of Rights? For the very same reasons that some people think that the religious freedom of the First Amendment doesn’t apply to Muslims, Jews or Wiccans, or if it does, only to the extent that their own religion is given an amount preferential treatment or acknowledgment above all others.
For the same reason why some people feel that the Freedom of Speech doesn’t protect political or social dissidence, pornographic materials or free expression in music, literature, film and art if their own views or tastes are offended.
For the very same reason that some people feel that freedom from Unreasonable Search and Seizure without a Warrant and Probable Cause, the right to a Speedy and Public Trial by Jury or protection from being Deprived of Life, Liberty or Property without Due Process doesn’t exist if the target is the same faith, nationality or skin color as someone that committed an act of war, terror or treason against this country or if the target is merely suspected of being in league with or of having similar convictions, goals or aims as those people.
That reason, which is the same in all of the examples above, and is virtually the same in all cases where an individual or group attempts to make a case for infringing on the rights of others, is that, most people are only into freedom as deep as it personally affects them, they could care less for anything above and beyond what level of liberty they deem useful to their own beliefs or purposes.
Rights are defined in the extreme; privileges are defined by boundaries and limits. If one can do as they please, so long as no harm is being done to another, that’s a right, that’s free, that’s liberty. If one can only do as they please so long as no one’s sense of decency, taste, sensibility, security, morals, reason or politics is being offended, that’s a privilege.
When we say, ‘you have the right to practice your faith, so long as I approve of it’, or ‘you have the right to keep and bear arms so long as I still feel safe and comfortable with the idea of you having a gun’, or ‘you have the right to speak your piece so long as I don’t get offended’, or ‘you have the right to due process and to be secure in your person, property or papers so long as I trust you’, we’re really not saying anything about rights; we’re talking about giving someone a benefit within the boundaries that we’re agreeable to.
Privilege is defined as, “A special advantage, immunity, permission, right, or benefit granted to or enjoyed by an individual, class, or caste”. Pay close attention to the part where it says it is “granted”; rights aren’t granted by anyone, we automatically have them at birth, they’re the default setting. Since no one granted those rights to us, no one can revoke them no matter how sound or compelling their reasoning is. So the issue is not whether or not we are or should be comfortable giving anyone anything (anything granted is a privilege), the issue is whether or not anyone can take certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness, away from a free person. Since no one gave us those rights, not individuals, not society, not the majority and not the government, the answer is no, not in this republic. The moment people wake up and embrace this truth is the moment that we will begin our return to a free people, and support for all rights, including the Second Amendment, will be the default, just as it was intended. The Bill of Rights is a package deal, a package of rights which are defined in the extremes (as all rights inherently are); there is no such thing as half-way free. That’s the right argument in support of the Second Amendment, everything else is pleading for the granting of a privilege in lieu of rights we already have.

The Right to Keep and Bear Arms


The Right to Keep and Bear Arms

The Right to Keep and Bear Arms
(c) 1993 - 2003
Gary A. Shade
Much of today’s debate regarding the individual’s right to keep and bear arms, has been
shrouded by misapplying various interpretations of the militia clause of the second
amendment to the US Constitution. The second amendment states:
"A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State,
the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
The proponents of gun control insist that the second amendment only apply to an
organized militia such as the National Guard. However they overlook the fact the
National Guard in times of national crises, comes under direct control of the Federal
Government. The Guard works in concert with the regular Army in carrying out the
Federal military mission. This was finally put to rest when in the 1980s, then Minnesota
Governor Rudy Perpich sued the Federal Government over control of the National Guard.
The State of Minnesota lost the case and the Federal Government won.
The act of federalizing the National Guard is due to the law passed by Congress on
January 21, 1903. It provides that the "..organized militia known as the National Guard of
the state, Territory or District of Columbia.. " is under the command of the Nation’s Chief
Executive. Furthermore, all arms are controlled by and owned by the Federal
If indeed the National Guard can be placed under Federal Control, then who is the
unorganized militia? This question is rooted in historical precedence with ample evidence
provided by the ancients, and contemporary thinkers that we are. That is to say, all ablebodied
men (and now perhaps women) between the ages of 17 and 45 who are capable of
acting in defense of the country. This definition also exits in the current United States
Code [10 U.S.C. 311 (a)] which states:
"The militia of the United States consists of all able-bodied males at least
17 years of age, and, except as provided in section 313 of title 32, under
45 years of age . . . "
The US Code further divides the militia into two classes: The organized, and the
unorganized militia. The organized militia is viewed in the USC as the National Guard
and Naval Militia, and the unorganized militia that consists of ".. all members of the
militia who are not members of the National Guard or the Naval Militia." [10 U.S.C. 311
Advocates of gun control not only ignore the definition of militia as that of the citizen
soldier, they also ignore that the final clause that uses the verbiage of the "..right of the
people..", is the same application of the "the people as used in the First, Fourth, Ninth,
and Tenth Amendments.
The application of the First Amendment applies to an individual’s right to free speech.
The Fourth Amendment secures the individual against unreasonable searches and
seizures of property by the government. If the Second Amendment were to be construed
as a collective right, then it logically follows that only corporations or collective bodies
(such as political parties) would have a right to free speech, and would be free from
unreasonable search and seizures.
Yet these Amendments have been interpreted to be individual rights due to the clause that
refers to ’the people’. The people refer to the individuals that make up the general
It is precisely this definition that divides today’s debate on gun control. The idea of the
citizen soldier is older than ancient Rome. The unorganized militia provides for a citizen
soldier to be the guardian of liberty and freedom.
Where did this well established but often overlooked view of the militia originate? As
will be seen, its history can be found in the most early discussions on politics: From
Rome, to Greece, to Virginia.
The most contemporary work on this subject, is:
That Every Man Be Armed - The Evolution of a Constitutional Right
by Attorney Stephen P. Halbrook. Halbrook’s work is the most thorough and documented
work on the Second Amendment this century. This paper relies heavily upon the work of
Mr. Halbrook, and provides the necessary and proper credits in the bibliography.
The Ancient Greeks and Romans
In Plato’s Republic, Plato discusses how, through force, an unjust state could win favor.
Oligarchy forms of government occur when privilege is fixed by statute. (Republic 139-
140.) Plato envisions a move to a democracy, but retains much of the social inequality
associated with absolutism. The need for a strong leader is anticipated who would revert
to absolute authority and halt the march to democracy. Plato concludes:
"Then to be sure, the people will learn what sort of a creature it has bred
and nursed to greatness in its bosom, until now the child is too strong for
the parent to drive out. Do you mean that the despot will dare to lay hands
on this father of his and beat him if he resists? Yes, when once he has
disarmed him." (Republic 295)
The idea of a philosopher king that Plato contemplates, assumes the best in human nature
and does not speculate on the more contemporary historical fragility of such assumptions.
Even Catherine the Great of Russia, an enlightened despot, later reversed herself from
enlightenment to absolutism
promoter of Voltaire and others, Catherine later burned his books and banned them from
(The Western Heritage, 653.) Whereas once a shrewd(The Western Heritage, 679.)
Aristotle argued that citizens must be protected from tyranny, and that tyranny was
achieved through the King’s use of a standing army.
Aristotle spoke of the King’s use of the standing army to wage war, and to heavily tax the
populace. These efforts would preoccupy the general populace to prevent an overthrow
the oligarchy.
(Politics, 82) Both Plato and(That Every Man be Armed, 12)
Rome’s Cicero also put forth the notion that an individual also has the right to bear arms
in self defense. When defending Titus Annius Milo in 53 B.C. for the murder of Publius
Claudius Pulcher, he stated:
There are, many occasions on which homicide is justifiable. In particular, when violence
is needed to repel violence, such an act is not merely justified but unavoidable"
Political Speeches, 78-81)
Here the natural law of self defense is eloquently stated by Cicero. Cicero states:
".. there exists a law, not written down anywhere but inborn in our hearts;
a law which comes to us not by training or reading but by natural
He further discusses the moral righteousness of using ".. every method to protect
ourselves." Not only is Cicero speaking of the individual’s right to bear arms in self
defense from another individual, but also to defend one’s person and property from
violence by the state.
Rome stood as a free republic until Gaius Marius abolished the citizen soldier in 49 B.C.
(That Every Man Be Armed, 18)
Caesar was ruthless in his conquests. He would not accept surrender from his enemies
until all the arms of the conquered town had been collected. He would mutilate those who
bore arms against him by cutting off their hands.
knew that an armed populace was more difficult to conquer.
Caesar’s reign marked the beginning of the Empire.(That Every Man Be Armed, 18) Caesar
Machiavelli was also a believer in the citizen soldier or citizen militia. In his work
Discourses on the First Ten Books of Titus Livy, he praises Rome before the reign of
Caesar. Machiavelli was also against large standing armies as shown in the following
" attacking a foreign country, [the Romans] never sent out armies
greater than fifty thousand men; but for home defense against the Gauls
after the first Punic war eighteen hundred thousand....In conclusion,
therefore, I say again that a ruler who has his people well armed and
equipped for war, should always wait at home to wage war.."
Machiavelli also notes that:
"Rome remained free for four hundred years and Sparta for eight hundred"
with an armed populace, while other countries who disarmed their citizens
"lost their liberties in less than forty years."
(The Art of War, 18)
The comparison of Machiavelli’s writing to similar wording found in our Constitution
proves to be surprisingly similar.
Machiavelli wrote that private citizens made up the
(The Art of War, 39)
to the security of a free State.."
well regulated, meant the same thing: Citizens trained to arms.
"..regular and well ordered militia.."and our Constitution reads "A well regulated Militia being necessaryTo Machiavelli, well ordered, and to our founding fathers
Seventeenth Century Thought
In the 17th century, great thinkers attempted to justify the existence of absolute rulers,
while others such as Algernon Sidney and John Locke argued for a democratic republic.
In arguing for a monarchy, Jean Bodin sees the deprivation of arms essential to
maintaining a ruler’s authority. Bodin believed that such ruler’s were above the law.
Similar to today’s argument’s for gun control, Bodin saw arms control as a means of
people control, to control the masses and prevent seditions. Similar to today, the
arguments used in achieving an unarmed populace were to prevent murders, and
seditions. Bodin states in his Six Bookes of A Commonweale (1606),
"..the law may be good, just, and reasonable, and yet the prince to be no
way subject or bound thereto: as if he should forbid all his subjects, except
his guard and garrison soldiers, upon pain of death to carry weapons, so to
take away the fears of murders and seditions; he in this case ought not to
be subject to his own law, but to the contrary, to be well armed for the
defense of the good, and punishment of the evil."
Commonweale, 106)
(Six Bookes on A
To Bodin, the ruling monarchy was to be placed above the laws that governed their
subjects. Acts not unlike what Bodin had envisioned, occur today where citizens are
disarmed by law, yet the privileged class is exempted.
John Locke was also an advocate of the citizen soldier. Locke explained in great detail in
his Two Treatises on Civil Government (1689), that government of man must be based
on mutual consent, and that each individual remains free due to the natural laws of
nature. Because of this, each man has the right to overthrow a despotic government. As
each individual maintains their natural rights, they also have the right to defend those
rights against any individual or group who threatens them. Locke wrote:
".. it being reasonable and just I should have a right to destroy that which
threatens me with destruction."
(Second Treatise of Civil Government, 14)
Locke firmly believed that man had a moral right to use force to overthrow an unjust
government. That the right to resist an unjust government with arms was little different
than protecting one’s self from an individual’s aggression.
Framer’s Intent
Locke’s influence on our founding fathers was profound. His major contribution that all
men retain their natural rights to life, liberty, and property became a major influence on
how our Constitution was written. The Virginia Declaration of Rights, (which was largely
written by George Mason on June 12, 1776), nearly echoed verbatim Locke’s views on
natural rights. Article One states:
"That all men are by nature equally free and independent, and have certain
inherent rights, of which, when they enter into a state of society, they
cannot, by any compact, deprive or divest their posterity; namely, the
enjoyment of life, liberty, with the means of acquiring and possessing
property, and pursuing and obtaining happiness and safety."
Article 13 of the Virginia Bill of Rights further states:
"That a well regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained
to arms, is the proper, natural, and safe defense of a free state; that
standing armies, in time of peace, should be avoided as dangerous to
liberty; and that, in all cases, the military should be under strict
subordination to, and governed by, the civil power."
Here again we plainly see that the early framers of the Declaration of Rights believed that
the new nation’s security rested upon a citizen militia. The idea presupposes a natural
right for the citizens to keep and bear arms. Virginia’s Declaration of Rights would later
serve as the model for our own Constitution.
During the Philadelphia Convention of 1788, Patrick Henry argued passionately for the
individual’s rights against the Federalists James Madison and Edmund Randolf. Henry
was insistent that the new Constitution of the United States contain a Bill of Rights
similar to Virginia’s. Madison did not believe one was necessary as the people retained
the right to overthrow an unjust government. He also believed that all rights not given up
to the new government were retained by the people.
Henry and Mason both argued against ratifying the new Constitution unless specific
right’s were enumerated as had been done with their own State Constitution. Randolf,
himself an ally of Madison’s, refused to sign the new Constitution unless a Bill of Rights
were present.
(Madison and The Bill of Rights, 4)
The original language of the Second Amendment as proposed by Madison, read:
"The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed; a
well armed, and well-regulated militia being the best security to a free
country: but no person religiously scrupulous of bearing arms, shall be
compelled to render military service in person." (Madison and the Bill of
Rights, 5)
Madison added the language of the right to keep and bear arms in first draft. A right of
the people. The wording the house committee chose read:
"A well regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, being the
best security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms
shall not be infringed, but no person religiously scrupulous shall be
compelled to bear arms."
This draft, reversed the people and militia clauses but retained Madison’s conscientious
objector clause. Additionally author Halbrook points out that it is clearly shown from
Madison’s notes that he would use to propose the Amendment:
"They [the proposed amendments] relate first to private rights .." (That
Every Man be Armed, 76)
The Senate version dropped the conscientious objector clause all together, and what was
to become our nation’s second amendment was finally adopted by the states:
"A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the
right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed."
During the House debates, of our Second Amendment, Representative Elbridge Gerry
begged the question:
"What, Sir is the use of a militia? It is to prevent the establishment of a
standing army, the bane of liberty."
The well-regulated clause of the second amendment suggests that the citizen soldier must
retain not only the right to keep and bear arms, but must be proficient in their use.
Every Man Be Armed, 78)
The argument that the "well-regulated militia" clause implies a collective rather than an
individual right can be rebuked with the Federalist Papers number 29, where Alexander
Hamilton wrote:
"..the great body of yeomanry and of the other classes of citizens to be
under arms for the purpose of going through military exercises and
evolutions, as often as might be necessary to acquire the degree of
perfection which would entitle them to the character of a well-regulated
(Federalists #29, 184-185)
Here, as can be clearly seen, a well-regulated militia is composed of ordinary citizens
who are trained to arms. The contemporary argument used by gun control advocates that
the militia clause means only police or the government should be allowed to have arms,
has no historical, or factual precedence what so ever.
The militia is quite simply you and me. It is our moral duty to be proficient in the use of
arms for our own self preservation and that of our country. Standing armies have been
viewed as the bane of liberty, and not the protectors of it. Freemen have a right and moral
duty to oppose the unlawful taking of our natural rights by any means available to us. As
radical and revolutionary as this may sound today, it has been said many times before. It
is as true today as it was in Ancient Rome, Sparta, or in Eighteenth Century Virginia.
Works Cited
Plato, Republic 139-140 (E. Vornford translation. 1945), as cited by Halbrook, Stephen
P., That Every Man Be Armed, p. 9. The LibertyTree Press, San Francisco CA. 1984.
Plato, Republic, p. 295 (E. Vornford translation. 1945), as cited by Halbrook, Stephen P.,
That Every Man Be Armed, p. 10. The LibertyTree Press, San Francisco CA.
Kagan D., and Ozment S., and Turner F., The Western Heritage (Fourth Edition, Volume
II), p. 653. Macmillan Publishing Company, NY, 1987.
Id. at 679.
Aristotle, Politics, p. 82, as cited by Halbrook, Stephen P., That Every Man Be Armed, p.
9. The LibertyTree Press, San Francisco CA. 1984.
Halbrook, Stephen P., That Every Man Be Armed, p. 12. The LibertyTree Press, San
Francisco CA. 1984.
Cicero, Selected Political Speeches, pp. 79-81 (M. Grant transl.1969), as cited by
Halbrook, Stephen P., That Every Man Be Armed, p. 16. The LibertyTree Press, San
Francisco CA.
Halbrook, Stephen P., That Every Man Be Armed, p. 18. The LibertyTree Press, San
Francisco CA. 1984.
Machiavelli, Discourses, p. 107, as cited by Halbrook, Stephen P., That Every Man Be
Armed, p. 21. The LibertyTree Press, San Francisco CA. 1984.
Machiavelli, The Art of War, p. 18, as cited by Halbrook, Stephen P., That Every Man Be
Armed, p. 22. The LibertyTree Press, San Francisco CA. 1984.
Machiavelli, The Art of War, p.39, as cited by Halbrook, Stephen P., That Every Man Be
Armed, p. 22. The LibertyTree Press, San Francisco CA. 1984.
Bodin, Jean, Six Books on A Commonweale, p. 106, as cited by Halbrook, Stephen P.,
That Every Man Be Armed, p. 25. The LibertyTree Press, San Francisco CA. 1984.
Locke, John, Second Treatise of Civil Government, p.14, (Chicago 1955), as cited by
Halbrook, Stephen P., That Every Man Be Armed, p. 22. The LibertyTree Press, San
Francisco CA. 1984.
McCabe, Michael K., Madison & The Bill Of Rights, p. 4, American Rifleman, Feb.,
Mar., Apr., 1991. National Rifle Association, Washington DC.
Id. at 5.
Halbrook, Stephen P., That Every Man Be Armed, p. 76. The LibertyTree Press, San
Francisco CA. 1984.
Id. at 78.
The Legacy of Republicanism vs. Absolutism